Inspiration Starts From Within: An Interview With Life Coach, Aren Bahia

“Few plans can live up to your expectations, but most of the plans can often disappoint you. And I think that’s when your life actually starts”, said Aren Bahia, a Canadian entrepreneur, speaker, life coach, and philanthropist.
Earlier this month, we had the pleasure of meeting Aren. Widely known for his own inspirational transformation and philanthropic endeavors, Aren has seen it all. From fast cars, fast cash and fast women to spiritual seeking in the Himalayas, his journey has been an interesting rollercoaster ride.
While growing up in a rough area of Vancouver, he managed to make his way to spirituality, meditation and yoga. Today, he has successfully established himself as a life coach and owner of five thriving businesses.
Over the years, he has shown nothing but a ceaseless passion to uplift entrepreneurs and communities. With his acumen and ability to guide people through the complexities of life, he has inspired many out there. We caught up with him thinking it would be interesting to know more about his journey and the stories behind his success. Here's a glimpse of the interview!
1) Your journey is very inspirational. Can you walk us through that moment that inspired you to begin your transformational journey?
Most great transformational stories start with rock bottoms... I was a drug-addicted drug dealer, at a desperate space in my life where my options were increasingly looking like death or jail... I was intensely depressed, and I had an epiphany in the form of knowing I needed to look within to fix the problems around me. So, I went on an Eat, Pray, Love style world travel journey and got addicted to personal development and charity work instead of a life of consumption.
2) What does a typical coaching session look like with you?
First, we figure out what my client's highest goal is and then we figure out how to get it. Once we have a clear plan, we sort through all the limiting beliefs, dysfunctional habits, or environmental setbacks they are up against. I help them see a better way of doing things, and we almost always have a lot of fun and laughs getting there together.
3) How do you stay motivated to push through and show up every day for your business and your clients?
Honestly coaching brings me so much joy because I get to generate big ideas for special people, seeing them succeed is me winning by extension, we end up getting close and developing a bond. I get to be useful, helpful, compassionate, and I get to be damn good at something. It's been a huge blessing after my motorcycle accident where I broke both my legs. I couldn't walk for a very long time, but I could still walk my clients down the path to success. It's as good for me as it is for them, I truly love what I do.
4) What advice would you share with someone who is planning to take on life coaching?
The best investment you can make is in yourself, it's money well spent. You're upgrading the way you do things, you're upgrading the way you look at the world, how could the world around you not get better? Just make sure you connect with your coach on a level where you trust them and you're ready to do the work.
5) Your Full Reset Coaching Program is quite interesting! What can people expect from this program?
It’s a 12-week coaching program that addresses your vision, clarity, mindset, physiology, and the tools that are necessary to tap into your potential. I help you become your own boss in every way. You take on the habits, routines, and the mindset it takes to become successful in business and personally. This is a personal growth accelerator. An Inner-game upgrade, to produce real-world results.
6) Lastly, if you had a choice to change one thing in your industry, what would that be? How are you planning to make that change happen?
I'd change the stigma people see around life coaches. Some people would think there's something wrong with you in order to get coaching, but it's quite the contrary, it just means you want to do even better. I always invest in personal trainers at the gym because I want to invest in my health. I know there are people out there that specialize in different fields of fitness that I can learn from, it's an investment in their knowledge. Just like training your body, you can train the way you live your life, the strategy and mindset in conflict and how you see the world. You can train yourself to operate more skillfully and you can be guided to not waste time in achieving your goals, that shouldn't be stigmatized, that should be celebrated as the marker of a winner.